The fifth edition of 4YFN (4 Years From Now), the leading international event for startups, investors, public institutions and large corporations, have closed its doors with a total of 20,359 visitors, thus consolidating the event and Barcelona as a reference point in the global startup ecosystem. Link.
Latest trends at 4YFN: different areas across the venue have hosted a total of 110 hours of content on cutting-edge trends in the tech sector, such as blockchain, IoT, tech transfer, corporate venturing and artificial intelligence, among others.
Even if the winner of this edition is: Boxmotions*, we want to emphasize this other finalist: IOMED
Who is IOMED:
Three or four decades ago, companies struggled to make sense of and make decisions on the data they generated on a daily basis. Sales figures, costs or stocks were all non-digitalized, usually unstructured data. It was impossible, or took massive amounts of work, to get insights from those data and incorporate them into decision-making. Thanks to companies like SAP or Oracle, this situation looks far away in our memories, but, nowadays, there is still a sector that experiences this situation on a daily basis: healthcare. 65-85% of health data generated by providers and patients every day remains stored in an unstructured format, usually text format, in medical records. This brings us back to the described situation: no aggregated analysis can be performed, no questions can be asked to the database. Medical data can only be read manually and individually on the medical record.
IOMED has been born to reverse that situation.
IOMED structures unstructured text data, stores that data into AI-based databases and analyzes it from a scalable and product-based perspective. Thanks to its algorithms, IOMED brings up millions of data points, opening a completely new data source for analytics and findings. Just like management 30-40 years ago, healthcare is about to experience its own data revolution. And IOMED will be the impulsor.
*Boxmotions is a physical storage solution in the cloud both for individuals and businesses. It includes on-demand transport, and everything is managed online. The disruption comes from the application of tech innovation and optimized logistics to change the traditional self-storage business model. It generates more value to its customers whilst maintaining prices 5-25% cheaper, thanks to storage cost reduction and reduced need of finance. Boxmotions’ operations started in Barcelona in May 2016 and the product is completely developed and validated in the market.

Media For Health, agenzia di comunicazione e marketing specializzata nel settore della salute e benessere del Gruppo Vivactis
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Address: Via Nino Bixio, 31 – 20129 Milano