EYEFORPHARMA AWARDS 2017: the winners


Here is all the winners and finalists of  EYEFORPHARMA* AWARDS 2017:

Which pharma company do you admire the most?

Winner: Johnson & Johnson CEO Alex Gorsky
(Final: J&J and Novartis)

Most Valuable Patient Initiative or Service

The finalists of this award are innovative projects designed to deliver tangible patient improvements both in the long and short term. Demonstrating real understanding for the patient requirements prior to implementation, these finalists have been managed to an outstanding level and have made an exceptionally positive impact on their intended customer.

Winner: Takeda with Red Door Unlimited: #FlyWithIBD

Most Valuable Pharma Collaboration

The finalists of this award are either a pharma-pharma or pharma-non-pharma initiative which clearly brings a new proposition to customers and/or healthcare systems, creates new value and redefines what is possible in our industry with a degree of lateral thinking.

Winner: AbbVie Doctors Channel YouTube

Most Valuable HCP or Healthcare Initiative

The finalists of this award are innovative projects designed to deliver tangible working and healthcare improvements both in the long and short term. Demonstrating understanding of real health requirements prior to implementation, these winning projects have been managed to an outstanding level and have made an exceptionally positive impact on their intended customer.

Winner: Boehringer Ingelheim, The Angels Initiative

Customer Innovator Award

The finalists of this award is a person or team who have determined the needs of their customer, and created a relevant approach irrespective of traditional methods. They have an exceptional aptitude for having or sourcing innovative ideas as well as executing them effectively. The finalists exhibit the qualities of a true innovator, who strives for patient value, influences others and provides useful learning and examples for others in the industry.

Winner: Kristian Hart-Hansen, LEO Innovation Lab, LEO Pharma

See all the winners and finalists here

*eyeforpharma BARCELONA 2017: europe’s largest commercial pharma meeting of 1000+ industry leaders focused on commercial innovation, customer centricity and patient engagement